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Sunday, March 23, 2008

Oh my.

We went to the All-Local Farmers' Market yesterday*, the first one at Rosewood Market, and it was great, as usual. We got some beef tenderloin to make after the kids go to sleep**. We also picked up some arugula, a ton of fresh eggs, some cranberry walnut challah bread from Heather and some Forsythia from Floral and Hardy Farms. Donna's flowers last forever and I swear they're more colorful than your average flower. But it might just be that I'm all cracked out on local breakfast and coffee when I buy them.

The X-Man had a big day at the market, too. We gave him a dollar for hot chocolate and he came back, cool as a cucumber, hot chocolate in one hand, dollar in the other. Turns out he managed to charm the lady bartender, who's in the third grade at his school. Just last month, he was complaining.

"Unnhh! Why do all the girls at school think I'm so cute?"

I guess he's learned to live with it. His brother, far less willing to sell out, had to cough up the dollar.

Namasté, y'all!

* And I don't know why you missed it. Really, it's getting ridiculous. Best breakfast, best groceries, best flowers, best company. All local. Be at Gervais and Vine in two weeks for the next one or you're an idiot.

** That is not a euphemism for anything. My kids are vegetarians and we're not. Get your mind out of the gutter.

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